Here's another - did this last night while I had access to Lynley's sewing machine. The two pages of writing dad did will be typed up & put behind the photo. I'm going to do another of this photo & journaling I think so I can give one to dad & keep one for me - I love the photo! Any suggestions on different ways to do it would be appreciated (can't do the same thing twice!). The title of the LO in this case was the writing that was on the side of the truck when he acquired it (the truck) for a bottle of whiskey as a 16/17 year old much to his dad's disapproval! - the people in it (must put that somewhere on the layout come to think of it) - my mum sits on the footboard, dad standing @ the back by the door & dads sisters from left to right - Robyn, Heather & Gaynor.
The stuff can take over. My stuff was covering my work surface and much of the bedroom floor. I had to do a big sort out. I was brutal. Stuff...ready to go. I packaged it in some storage totes I had that needed a new home (I’m waiting for my new CTMH travel system to arrive) and listed it on s local trading site. It’s gone now. It doesn’t look pretty but I have a desk space and things are organised. The rest of my supplies now fit in this cupboard. Since the ‘purge’ I have had the space to create. It feels good and it’s great to be able to get to my desk. A few pages made since the tidy up...and a box of 20 cards!
got some fantastic work going on!!
I so wish too you could make them bigger I could see all the detail.
your holidays have sounded fun....mine had being a stay at home one.......getting everyones health back on track!!