This weekend I joined 8 other ladies and 1 man for a portrait workshop in Kakanui. Rachael Kelly shared her expertise in portrait photography and her skills as a professional photographer. I have lots to learn and lots to process following the weekend - thinking and reflecting, not post processing of photos! We worked through three different types of portraits - family, engagement and maternity, each had different challenges. I learned mostly that I need to get to know my camera and the lenses more so I can make it do what I want quickly.

Our first session was with an amazing family at the Kakanui Estuary and beach, bright sunlight and bitterly cold wind challenged us. Gloves and hats were worn. I was thankful for my puffer jacket.

Saturday afternoon: engagement shoot. What a great couple to put up with 10 cameras aimed at them for a couple of hours! I really enjoyed thinking about the settings and possibities for sites for photographs in this one. I think if there weren't 10 of us, I would have liked to be able to get closer to our engaged couple.

Sunday's Maternity shoot was my favourite of all of our photography sessions. I adored the mustard flower field, so bright, fresh and hopeful. Going into the old Whiskey building we used great big windows as natural light and I love the way this fell on our beautiful subject and her husband. One year ago to the day they were having their wedding photographs taken. Happy 1st Anniversary!
For now, I need to work on understanding how my camera and lenses work by taking lots of photos and experimenting and taking note of what I am doing. I think the hardest part for me would be telling people how to stand and position themselves for the most effective and flattering poses, seems strange for a teacher to not like 'bossing' people around...
BTW thanks for the pattern, I had signed up to the site but on Friday I was only getting the first page. But now I have saved it and could access it all Thanks again.