It's a bit 'cheaty' wearing black for these photos of where I am at, but they are my only exercise pants and thermal tops are a necessity at the moment! Bare feet was a bit risky!
Since December 12th 2011 when I started Fat Chance! the no going back workbook I have lost 20.4kgs and 22cm from around my waist. I don't want it back. I have learned to love moving - I can run the 8km around Lake Hayes, swim 2 1/5 km in 50 minutes and use the exercycle if the weather, time or short days mean I can't do either of the other two daily exercises. This, from someone who has always hated running. I still surprise myself that I like running.
I am still working towards a healthy BMI but slowly and surely I will get there. I am eating regular, balanced meals and don't feel hungry.
I like feeling this way and I love being able to buy clothes 'off the rack' at normal clothing stores.
I couldnt believe the change between one scrap camp to the other. You will be at the healthy BMI in no time.