Monday, August 18, 2008

zippered pouches

learned how to make these from a webisode on SIS - thanks Rhi.
the blue one (felt) is for my sons pencils... he thought it was fantastic and carried it around like a 'man bag' at Church on Sunday. The others are for my teaching stuff... since I move from class to class it's handy having a separate pencil case, sticker pouch, stamp pouch etc. fun. the girls have some too but I made them last week & they have them at school.
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Karen L said...

They look pretty cool Lara, I am sure they will be appreciated. So handy to more from class to class with supplies, otherwise you spend have your day waiting on kids to either find a pencil or sharpen their pencil away.

Anonymous said...

looks great Lara, love that E carried his round like a man bag at church. Means he really loves it.

Penny said...

Could be quite good for tissues too.