As I created this page at camp this weekend, I was making connections between the cacti on the papers, my kids and a song from my later teenage years. I made the page, added some quick notes in ajournaling spot and put it on display to be in for a chance to win 'favourite layout'. It didn't. That's not really the point here though. My page wasn't really done. While I was thinking about the cacti song as I created the page, I neglected to include that thinking in my journaling. My journaling has become minimal.
On the drive home from camp I selected some Scrap Gals podcasts to listen to, one was about aspects of our Scrapbooking that we feel good about and those we wish to grow. I was feeling pretty good...but as I listened more this changed.
Scrapbooking was identified in these podcasts as including photography, design, and journaling. I wonder if colour theory comes in here too? I'm quite satisfied with my photography, having studied photography at university level, and most of the time my design and colours are in my comfort zone. I was challenged about the 'depth' of my journaling.
My next road trip took me three hours...two of my kids were with me and thankfully slept as I listened to 'Live Inspired' podcasts where Tracie was talking to avid journallers...

I went back and added more of my thoughts and the connection between the cacti and this photo of my three teenagers.
My personal challenge going forward is to be more intentional with my journaling.