& Karen tells me I need to update... well here are some pics to share! Moving went well, have one car in the garage but still have boxes to sort in the other half. The worm farm is up & running and the vegetables are growing - even the rhubarb is taking off. Water restrictions started today though so we can't use the lawn sprinklers - just hand held hoses. It feels like home here, though still a bit like staying in a hotel for us too - specially as there is still stuff to unpack... maybe I won't, maybe we'll just 'gift' the boxes to the Sallies.... now there's a thought!
Recycling started (finally) in the Wakatipu but I was impressed that Ethan noticed the recycle bin had been emptied by the roadside & made it his job to bring it back up the drive.
Mmmmm, Peonie season :-) Ali won't love them so much - she's picking them... but I love the big soft flowers :-)
Here's the chicks (not so little any more) that we watched hatch in the last term break... 3 of them will be coming to live with us - Buff Orpingtons & dad is designing the hen house for them as a Christmas gift... & 3 hens... one for each child :-)
I got the loveliest package in the mail yesterday!!! Thank you. I love paper. I will treasure this journal. :)
I love peonies too. Pity we can't grow them up here :(
Hope you enjoy this new home adventure together