put your names in a bowl.....
& Miss 6 & Miss 5 picked out the following names:

Delys & Penny can you please email me (scrappykea at xtra company new zealand) with your postal addys....
Thanks everyone for your ideas - have heaps for next year now!
We checked out the Market day on Saturday - the girls bought themselves a 'doll on a stick' - very marketish.... Ethan bought a magic mushroom - & it had tiny studs on it - I think he just picked the first thing he saw!!! I picked up an old music stand - looks cool with one of the canvas things I had made to sell at the market... might have to keep it LOL.
Back to work today.... I like holidays!
Off to Napier for a Playcentre meeting in the weekend - my first big trip as an Exec member for our Association!
Be Good
Love that bowl Lara. Did you make it yourself??
Thanks for stopping by my new blog :)
Oh, and you have just been tagged (check out my blog) ... ;-)